Sunday, January 31, 2010


Nostradamus used to be one of the topic i chose to present for the English slot during my time as a student. He have captured more than a soul, to dig deep into his life history, which, haven’t been told even after 400 years of his death.

This guy is well known for his many predictions and prophecies which proved to be true, for those who wants to believe. Of course, sebagai umat Islam, adalah berdosa untuk mempercayai sesuatu yang berunsurkan tilik nasib dan masa depan selain daripada al-quran, al-sunnah dan semua yang sewaktu dengannya. But then, nobody can deny that Michel de Notredame is one interesting subject worth known. These are his predictions (read at your own risk) :

i. Pernah melutut di kaki salah seorang ‘monk’, Felice Peretti di sebuah Gereja di Fance dan memanggilnya ‘my Holliness’. 19 tahun selepas kematian Nostradamus, Felice ditabalkan sebagai Pope Sixtus V.

ii. Prediction about the Balkan/Kosovo War dengan menyatakan secara berkias berkenaan penubuhan NATO, talking about ‘an army in the mountain will raise’, suggesting a guerrilla war.

iii. The most famous : prediction on the WTC attack. Saying ‘in the year of new century and nine months, from the sky will come a great king of terror..the sky will burn at 45 degrees..the fire approaches the great city..there will be thunder...the third big war will begin when the city is burning’.

iv. He even predict that the end of the world will be in the year of 3786.
There are much more predictions from Nostradamus yang dikaryakan dan didedikasikan kepada manusia ini. namun, apa yang nyata, tiada siapapun di dunia ini mengetahui apa akan jadi di masa hadapan. Predictions will stay as it is, not something yang boleh dipercayai sepenuhnya. Even Nostradamus have many flaws, if one willing to search for it. We better learn more about al-quran which gives much ’believable’ predictions, hanya kepada mereka yang mahu mendengar.

Sometimes it makes me think, cerita sebegini bagaikan sengaja direka untuk memesongkan kepercayaan dan akidah yang dipegang sekian lama. If only people know the Jews bad, bad intentions...

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